North Carolina [ Plane rides! ]

It was a cold windy day in April and it was April break. Me and my family had just gotten out of the car and into the airport. We saw a lot of things like Duncan donuts, gift shops, restaurants and so much more

When they called our plane we got onto the plane and buckled up. I was sitting with mom and Rose and dad was with Adi. We flew up and up and I grabbed a piece of gum from moms purse and chewed as hard as I could. At that time I was only maybe five and so I didn't really like to chew gum because of flavor wore off easily.

Then we started flying straight and I took out a notepad. Mom had got us all funny notepads and pens so we can write on at the airport and on the plane. I drew me my aunt and cousins and my parents and my sisters because we were going to North Carolina to see them. I was so excited to see my aunt and my cousins.

Then I put it back in my backpack. I help moms and tight and I was so tired that I took out my stuffed animal and used her as a pillow and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up we were almost there.

Then I took out my Barbies and a little comb brushed their hair.

We were there although we had to ride in the car for about an hour it was fun on the plane and I can't wait to go on a plane again!!!!!!


  1. Ms Clark's 3rd Graders
    Matias - I like how you told us about using a stuffie for a pillow.
    Nathan - I like how you explained the day.
    Hajeen - How long was the flight?
    Abriene - I like how you explained where you went and what you saw.

  2. The flight was maybe 4 or 5 hours.

  3. Oh that was my moms name it was Wren.


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