A-Z Things About Me

 A-Z Things About Me 

A is for Adi, that is my sister,

B is for ballet, one of the many dances that I do,

C is for clarinet, the instrument I play in band,   

D is for dogs, I have 2, Moose and Otis, 

E is for eggs, My favorite thing to eat for breakfast,

F is for finish, that I like to be the the first to do,

G is for great, which I think that I am,

H is for Haiti where a lot of my family was born,

I is for ice, which I like to have in my drinks,

J is for Jean-Jacques, my last name,

K is for Kittens, the opposite of my favorite animal,

L is for last, which I like to be in line,

M is for mom and dad, what I call my parents,

N is for nine, which is how old that I am, 

O is for octopus, that has no meaning to me, it just starts with O,

P is for pizza, my favorite food EVER!!!

Q is for quilt, what I sleep with at my Mimi's house, 

R is for Rose, my sister´s name, 

S is for sand, what I play with at the beach, 

T is for teddy bears, what I sleep with at night,

U is for unicorn, my favorite mythical creature,

V is for violet, my favorite color,

W is for Wren, My name!!!! 

X is for X-Mas, my favorite holiday,

Y is for yo yo, something that I am very bad at,

Z is for zoo, where I like to go on breaks from school


  1. This was a fun structure. Sometimes being the first one done isn’t great. Just saying. 🙃 proud of you! ❤️ Mom

  2. Wow! This is quite an amazing post! I love how you not only changed the letter to tell about yourself, you also changed the color.

  3. Wow, way to go getting every letter in ! I learned some cool new facts about you from this slice!

  4. I can connect with your S, T, and U.
    I like to play in the sand and make sandcastles at the beach. I also sleep with a teddy bear at night. Her name is Teddy. I also like unicorns. I had a unicorn cake when I turned ten.

    1. That comment was from Isabelle.
      Here's one from me, Wren:
      Your A-Z list helped us get to know you better. I found the "O for Octopus" line funny. Sometimes it's hard to think of something for every letter, isn't it?


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