¨Oh no!¨ My sister cries as the ball slips out of her hands. 

We both run to the end of the driveway. Our driveway is like a hill so the ball continues to roll. Soon my sister is on the floor trying to grab the ball. 

I run and and fall onto my knees, trying to grasp the ball in my fingertips. I lay down on my stomach to be closer to the ball. I have it. It is in my reach. I just need to get a tad bit closer to it to get a good grip. 

I try to move closer to the ball but the driveway makes it hard to move. ¨ Grab it, grab it!!!!!!!!!!¨ My sister yells from behind me. 

You would think that she would get up and pick it up. But she did not. Soon my fingertips slip away from the ball. It rolls. Soon it is in the road. 

Now here are 3 facts about my street:

1. My house is in front of a big hill

2. If something is rolling down there, it will not stop rolling 

3. At the end of the street, there is a BUSY road

So the ball continued to roll down the hill. ¨ Dad!¨ Me and my sister yelled at the same time. ¨ Ball!¨

The ball was still rolling. It started to speed up. Now my dad was in the road and like, 30 feet behind the ball. He did not seem to care about this situation. 

Soon the ball was out of sight. ¨ Can you see it. ¨ My sister asked me. 

I searched for a minute or two. Soon I spotted it. It was at the end of the busy street! ¨ Oh no! It is at the end of the street, it could get hit by a car!!!¨ I told my sister nervously.  

Soon dad was out of sight. A few minutes later he was at the top of the hill with our ball.

Soon later my parents were talking to someone while I was dribbling the ball in the road. It hit the curb and bounced off and down to the road. ¨ Not again!¨ I cried. 

Luckily, I kicked it into a yard to stop it. 

I would not want to do that again!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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