"Fire!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

I ran up the stairs and my heart was beating fast. Halfway I nervously sped up. "Fire," I thought. "Where?"

I slipped on a stair but quickly got back up. The next thing I heard was my mom yelling, "Arn, there is a fire!" 

I smelled smoke and when I got to the top of the stairs, I realized my sisters were in the kitchen. I looked toward my mom. There was a fire in the stove. My dad was rushing down the stairs. "Go outside," my sister yelled as she ran out the door and we followed her.

I was scared. I never experienced a fire other than in the fire pit. I knew that this was not like the fires in the pit, this one was real. I hoped that it would be ok as I stepped out the door and onto the driveway.

The driveway hurt against my bare feet. I had been watching tv and ran out without my shoes. I remembered a fire safety video from school, don't stop to grab anything. 

While I was outside, my teeth chattered from fear. "Mom!" my sister Adi called. She ran back inside and me and Rose followed her back in. I guess that I had missed a lot because the fire was out and my dad holding the fire extinguisher. 

"It's ok," my mom told us as the smoke alarm was beeping. My teeth were still chattering as I watched my dog's shiver now that all the windows and doors were open. It was cold and I'm sure the noise was hurting their ears.

My mom went into the laundry room and we followed her as the fire alarm stopped ringing, My teeth were still chattering. I still felt scared and the smell of smoke lingered in the air. 

I could tell that my sisters were still scared. They stood right next to my mom just like I was. I knew I was still scared. My dad went back upstairs and my dog's went back to sleeping. 

"I'm glad that's over," I thought. "I don't want to do that again."


  1. We wrote about the same thing today! Life handed us a slice…glad everyone and everything is safe. ❤️ Mom

  2. I love the details you added to "show" us how scared you were! I don't love that this happened to you all. I am glad it was handled quick and that you are all ok!

  3. Fires can be scary. Glad it was small and everyone is safe. Love you all

  4. I could feel how much you were worried in this slice. Glad you are all safe.


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