Lunch:A poem



It's 11:50 and I hear the bell ring,
Now I know that it is time for my favorite thing. 

It's lunchtime and time to take a break,
a half hour is all the time that it will take, 
I enter the lunchroom and find a table,
I ask the lunch lady to open my lunchbox  because I am not able.

    I wait for my friends to come back from getting their lunch,
When they are back I am hungry a bunch.
I start with my pizza and take a bite,
I might finish it all, yes I might.

Then I go down for a sip of my drink,
It is more refreshing than you or I think, 
I swallow and go back to my lunch,
I realize that I missed it a bunch.

I eat my oranges, one piece at a time,
my oranges are better than limes.
When I finish all 12 pieces,
Too bad that we are not allowed to eat reese's . 

And when I get to my cookies, 
I am feeling like one of the rookies,
I have finished all of my food,
Now I am in a mood,
A good one,
Happy and bright,
And I have finished with all of my might.


  1. This is a fantastic poem! Eating lunch puts me in a good mood too (And I wish we had Reese's for lunch too!).


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