

It was a normal day. A normal month. A normal year. And I was taking a normal bathroom break right before lunch. 

I signed out and it was 11:46. That meant that it was only four minutes until lunch. I did not want to be late because I did not have a very filling breakfast that morning and did not want to miss even a second of lunch. 

When I was walking to the bathroom, I saw, my student teacher helping students, boys in line for the bathroom, other teachers, doors, and normal school stuff. Then I was finally at the door. 

I hoped that no one was in the bathroom because I really had to go and I did not want to be late to lunch.  But I always wait wait for the people with hot lunch to get their food, so I would not be that late. 

I knocked. ¨ Someone´s in here.¨ Yelled a soft voice.

 Oh no! I thought. I looked around for something to look at. I saw something weird. 

My teacher was waving me over. Was I in trouble? Did I do something wrong? I did not think that I did anything. But no matter what it was I had to follow the instructions that my teacher had given me. 

I nervously walked down the hall to my classroom. My teacher was in the front of the room. 

When I came up to him he looked down, confused. ¨ What is wrong?" I asked him in a confused way. 

¨ What?"He asked me. 

¨ You told me to come over.¨ I told him. 

¨ I was talking to them.¨  He told me pointing to my student teacher and the kids she was working with. 

¨ Oh, well I still have to use the bathroom. ¨ I told him as I walked out. 

And that was the misunderstanding!!!


  1. I liked the way you painted a picture in your post. I felt like I could see everything you were talking about. I've had those same kind of misunderstandings. I'm hoping you finally got to go to the bathroom!


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