It was a warm but cloudy day in the Summer. Me, my sister and her BFF sighed up for virtual art camp. They had given us the boxes and canvas and they have meets.
My sisters BFF came and we set up outside and put the computer on the tablecloth. Before it was dead but we charged it a little so it came on. We opened our paints and took out some of our canvas and got to work.
We were painting my sisters favorite animal, a goat because she picked it out on the website. We started with the background which was blue and then it started to rain!!!
We all panicked and went to the other umbrella. Good thing we were the only ones. then it just rained harder and harder.
¨ We are going to transfer inside.¨ My mom told the teacher.
We all took our paintings and went inside. When the moms came in with the rest of our stuff I said ¨ We could use the blow dryer like we did at Emmett´s Birthday party!
I grabbed the blow dryer and ran back and plugged it in. One by one we dried our paintings and it looked kind of cool because it looked like little clouds.
We poured the water out of the paints and started to paint. Another kid had joined which was good because she had time to catch up.
When we were done they looked so good. Although I think they are sheep!
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