A Great Day

 Today was a great day, let me walk you through it . 

1. I walked into school for the first time in ten days. I was exited to see all of my friends for the first time in a long time. 

2. I went to band and practiced for our big concert in May. I love playing my clarinet with my band friends. We played twinkle twinkle little star, lightly row, and we did little red caboose.

3. I came back to my classroom and switched classes for math with Mr. Wright. We reviewed some shape patterns and went over different names for shapes. I got to draw a trapezoid on the SMART board. 

4. Then we went to P.E. It was so fun. We practiced for the pacer test in the fitness test. I got all the laps except for one when the teacher confused all of us.

5. I went to enrichment with Ms. Gilyard. I started researching for a lesson that I will be teaching kindergartners in a few weeks. It was fun. 

6. I went to lunch and had my favorite, PIZZA, GRAPES, AND OREOS!!! Yummy. 

7. I Came back and did a practice IAB, which is an online test that can be used for reading or math!

8. I did some more math with my homeroom teacher. We worked on multiplying fractions by whole numbers. It was so fun and I did a lot of cool things. 

9. I did I-Ready because I finished ST math a while ago. I practiced multiplying three digit numbers. It was great.

10. We had Recess, I played soccer with my friend from dance class and soccer, Sophia.  

11. Last we packed up and went home, It really was a great day! 


  1. Way to find the good in a day!

  2. 1) I loved your opening line.
    2) Your lunch sounds amazing!
    3) I’m curious what lesson you’ll be teaching the kindergarteners.

  3. I am actually going to be teaching them about sound, sound waves, how sound travels, and how the ears are important to the human body.


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