It was a cold and windy afternoon. Me and my class had just come back from recess. I thought we were just going to come in and pack up to leave. I was wrong.

     " Today I will announce the students that will be moving on in the invention convention. There are three students that have made it, more than any other class. " My teacher told us.

     I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. Was I going to make it? would I go on? Or would I lose? The suspense was killing me. My breath got hot. Soon my whole face was hot. I was nervous.

     " Our first winner is A.J.!!!!!" My teacher said. 

     We all clapped. Would I get that applause? Or would I not? I was not sure. I thought that I did pretty good with my: Re-CO, Reusable COVID 19 test. But was it enough? I could not tell. 

     " Our next winner is...." My teacher stopped for suspense, " JORDYN!!! " 

     Everyone clapped even though Jordyn wasn't here. We were all proud of her. But my hopes were sinking. There was only one more name to be called and I now I had no hopes of getting picked on. There were around 16 kids left to be picked and it was most likely not going to be me. 

     My butterflies were going crazy in my belly. It was like they were having a dance party in there.  I was even more nervous than before. [ And I did not think that was possible. ] 

     " And our last student that will be moving on to the states is..." He stopped again for suspense, " WREN!!!" 

     I was so excited. I had won. The applause seemed louder than it had been before. I looked around and all of my friends were clapping and smiling. I could tell that they were happy for me. 

     I smiled under my mask, hoping not to seem to excited and get anybody else down. But I was excited. It felt like all of the world was clapping for me. 

" This is how it must feel to be famous!"  I thought to myself.

     I was so excited to tell my parents, and my grandparents, and my aunts, and my uncles, and my cousins, and my sisters, and everyone!!! I was excited. 

     The only part that was not that exciting... was that I would have to do is all again.  


  1. "The applause seemed louder than it had before". I love this moment. The moment when you not only realize you have won, but that your friends and classmates were happy for you. What a special moment for you and CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm clapping from here, can you hear me??!!


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