I am sorry to say, 

but this is my last slice of today, 

not today, all year, 

when I talk about it I can feel a tear. 

This has been such an opportunity to do all of this fun, 

But I am so sorry, I am done. 

I had a great time, reading comments and writing, 

I just want you to know that it had been delighting. 

I loved writing each and every day, 

Do not worry I will not go away. 

I will be back next April and ready to write, 

More stories will come, and it will be all right, 

So come back next time and we can have some more fun, 

But I have to go, I am on the run!!!


  1. I hope you really do decide to keep this up on tuesdays. Reading your writing is so fun. I’m so proud of you. Three challenges down and you just keep growing. I love you so much! ❤️ Mom

  2. Congrats on making through the whole month! Your writing is amazing. Keep it up :)


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