¨ Come wash your hands.¨ My mom told us. 

We were at the farm and we were almost done. We had fed all the animals from the cows, to the goats. Now it was time to leave. 

When I was done I peeked into my fanny pack to close it. That was when I noticed that my camera was not there. I searched in every compartment in the fanny. But I could not find my camera. I was nervous. Maybe I had dropped it and someone took it. Or............................................................................................................. A goat had eaten it!!!!

Anyway, I was scared. ¨ Mom, I can´t find my camera!¨ I yelled. 

Then I walked off. I retraced my footsteps. 

First I went to the goats. I searched everywhere. In the gate, and outside, on the food carousel, everywhere. I was getting more nervous. But then I saw my Mimi that had come to help. ¨ Did you find it?¨ She asked me. 

I shook my head and then kept going along the path. Then I went to the sheep. I remembered taking a picture of them. Then I had saw the cow and wanted to feed him. So I ran off. But I had my camera with me. It was not with the sheep. 

The cow was no use. It was not around there at all. Nor did the playground have any finds. So I went to the other goat section. 

I remembered bending down to share some of my goat food with a little girl. My fanny could have been open and it could have fell. But I had checked all and I mean ALL of the sides. Nothing. I was getting scared. 

Then I went to the pigs. I had not stuck around them that long so I had very little hopes of finding my camera there. I was very right. I even asked Mimi to look into the shed where the other pig was hanging out. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead of nervous, I was now angry. With myself. I had lost it. One of my favorite things, gone. 

We checked a few more times but there was nothing. 

We asked the man in the front and he said that he would call us if he finds it. So did the lady at the farm store. 

I hope we find it!




  1. I am so sorry you lost your camera, Wren. You did such a good job describing what it feels like to lose something you really love... I felt like I was right there with you. I will keep my fingers crossed that someone finds it and turns it in <3


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