¨ Knock, knock, knock.¨ Someone was knocking on the door. We were in the beginning of science class. We were playing guess that picture. 

     Logan went to open the door. He tried to open the door but was hard to open. You had to push and pull at the same time or something. It was hard. 

     Preston went to help him out as Mr. Wright said, ¨Coming!¨ He rushed to walk to open the door.

     When he was at the door he tried everything but he still could not open the door. I was getting pretty scared. ¨We are having a hard time opening the door, can you please come back later.¨  Mr. Wright said. 

     He went to the phone to call for help. I could feel my heart beating as fast as it could. I was starting to sweat and I pulled my mask down. 

    A few minutes later a few people came to the door. Mr.Wright said that they were locksmiths. 

     The teacher did not seem scared or nervous because he continued our game. As the new pictures was being drawn I got more scared because a half hour had passed and we still were not unlocked. 

     Ten more minutes passed and the men were gone. Two minutes later they came back. Then the phone rang and Mr. Wright said, ¨ They are going to buzz saw the door.¨ Everyone went on the other side of the room and under the desks. 

     The only one on the other side of the room was Jacob. He kept taking one step closer. 

     Then the saw started going on and even Jacob ran behind the desks. Butt then --- Only the doorknob was the only thing that fell off. 

     Someone started laughing and then the whole class was laughing. It was one of the funniest things in the world. 

     And now the doorknob will forever sit on Mr. Wright´s desk. 


  1. I totally thought this has to be an April Fool's joke! I can't believe that really happened. I'm sure that doorknob will always be a reminder of this story! I'm curious about Jacob- is he usually a daredevil?

  2. Another hysterical slice! You can't be making this stuff up! I imagine, although you were nervous inside, that you remained calm outside! I'm glad Mr. Wright kept playing the game, I bet that helped everyone stay calm, distracted, from the locked door! What sight to have your door sawed open! I love that the doorknob is still on the desk - so fun! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Oh my goodness! I bet Mr. Wright was worried too but was trying to keep his cool for his students. I bet you still giggle when you see the doorknob on his desk!

  4. I still can’t believe this happened. Mr. Wright seems like he knew just what to do. I hope he helped you feel safe even though you were a little scared. You’re lucky to have such great grownups in your school. I think it’s funny that the doorknob is still on his desk. Did they put a new one on the door? ❤️Mom

  5. I had to laugh when the phone ring and you guys were told that they were going to have to buzzsaw the door. I wonder what went wrong but am glad that you all were rescued by the locksmiths. Mrs. Surridge


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