The end, I wrote on my paper. I had just finished writing an assignment when I saw my teacher. He waved me over to where he standing by the window. I was confused because I didn't know what he wanted to talk about. He was correcting homework, so maybe he was going to talk to me about that I thought. But, I was wrong. I stood up and put down my pencil. 

He pointed out the window. There I saw my dad. He had his black coat on and a purple sweatshirt hood peeking out from the top.  He must have been taking his usual midday walk, something he does whenever he is working from home. I looked at Mr. Stillway confused. What did he want me to do?

I got nervous that I was in trouble. I did not do anything wrong. I must have been wrong, why would I be in trouble?

"Say hi!" he told me as he opened the window. I knew that I was supposed to but I didn't want to disturb the class next door. They seemed focused. My class was too. Mr. Stillway gave me a look that told me he wanted me to do it. 

I put my head out the window so that I knew that it was him. When I am satisfied, I pull down my mask to yell, " Daddy!!!" 

Everyone in my class laughs. Even my teacher is laughing. I wanted to laugh. It was funny. It was probably the loudest that I have been in this whole year. I did not even know that I could be that loud.My dad turns toward the school in confusion. Then he looks up because he knows where my classroom window is. 

He waves at me and chuckles. The kids in my classes laughs start to fade as my dad continues to laugh and wave in confusion. I started to laugh as well. 

Then he turns back and continues his walk, I thought that he was going to look back but he did not.

I pull up my mask. But I could tell that my teacher knew that I was still smiling under my mask. 

When I go back to my seat, my friend Alex asks me, " Why did you do that?" I shrug and continue doing my work.   


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