Last night was an  almost normal night. The temperature was not cold but not hot either. My bed was comfy and the only thing that was different was my mom was visiting her old College. It didn't really affect me sleeping-wise, that's what I thought until I close my eyes. 

I thought nothing was different. My bed was comfortable but my room felt a little bit stuffy. I decided to turn on my fan and open my door a little bit to see if that would get rid of the hot air roaming around the room.

Although the fan and Open Door were helping, they didn't fix the problem completely. I couldn't think of what else to do, and now the problem was getting worse. It felt as if the room was getting hotter and hotter by the second.

I decided that my only option was to get my dad . I slowly walked over to his room so that none of the floorboards would creak and wake up my sisters. I slowly opened his door and saw that there was a light glowing onto his face, I soon realized that it was his phone showing that he was still awake.

I told him what was happening and he followed me into my room. He said," Let's open some windows.´´ 

He walked over to above my desk and opened the window and then he went above my bed and opened the second window. He left the room and I went back into my bed. It seemed a whole lot cooler in my room.

My problem was fixed. The only question I had was why my room suddenly felt hot. I guess it's one of the mysteries that we will never solve. 


  1. So glad you were able to solve the problem.

  2. I liked the detail you included about making sure to not step on boards that could wake up your sister. That one sentence says a lot about you and your relationships with the rest of your family.

  3. I really liked your phrase: " air roaming around the room." It sounded good because of the alliteration, and the personification made me feel the heat of the room.


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