Today I had my first haircut by someone who was not my aunt. The lady who cut my hair was a lot like my aunt. They both have red hair, and they both have the same name; my aunt's last name is Carey, and this was the hairdresser's first name.

     The salon was very inviting, it had happy music playing, and there was water running in the distance; it was soothing. It also smelled like a beautiful shampoo that smelled like coconut and vanilla. The walls were wood, and they looked tropical. 

     In the car, my sisters and I had agreed that I would go first. The woman, Carrie, took me to the chair near the sink. She rinsed my hair, put a towel on it, and walked me back to my mom. She started to brush out my hair and then combed my hair to get out knots. 

       Then tragedy struck. She got out her scissors and started to snip away. I didn't think that she had cut a lot at first; it had seemed like it was only a couple of strands. 

     I was wrong; there was a pile of my precious curls that used to be on my head, GONE!!!

     When my sisters went, I could only look at my pile of hair on the floor, being swept away!  


  1. I don't think it was quite that dramatic. Great job describing the setting using all of your senses. ❤️ Mom


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